At the third workshop held on September 28 at Casa Alba Independenta Sibiu, organized by the architecture and urban planning office A.PLAN, more than 30 participants were present - urban planners, architects, representatives of local public institutions, NGOs and the local business environment, as well as neighboring residents.
During the workshop, a summary of the conclusions of the previous meetings and the results of the survey launched at the end of August, to which more than 1,200 people responded, were presented.
Among the interests outlined during the workshops stand out: regaining the public space, sustainability of the built environment, animating the area, decongesting the traffic and access through pedestrian spaces, maintaining the possibility of carrying out craft activities, small production and light industry, and the new buildings to be at reasonable distances from neighbors and have a friendly interface. A modern urban area is expected, with various functions, socio-cultural activities, facilities that would create a connecting axis with the historical center of Sibiu, located at a very short distance.
The survey confirmed the need for socio-cultural and sports spaces and an overwhelming preference for gentle modes of travel, convivial spaces and green spaces with tree vegetation.
During the third workshop, 5 volumetric conceptual solutions were presented in the form of a model. These were analyzed by the workshop participants, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each solution. In the end, a preferred variant was voted, for which recommendations for improvement were formulated.
This industrial site regeneration project is started at the initiative of Transilvania Investments, the investment fund that owns the majority stake in Casa Albă Independenta S.A. Sibiu.
The next, last meeting will be scheduled for early November 2022.